Chris – 2nd Year

Halftone Effect

For this task we were told to choose a person of someone famous so I decided to choose the actor Jason Statham who has stared in many big hits, the first thing I had to do was cut out the chosen image and I had to make sure there was no background outline, I used the magic wand to do and it went quite well.

After I done that, I used the Elliptical Marques Tool and made a halo style shape behind the head in a grey colour, after I done that I had to flatten the image so I could use the bitmap mode, after I decided what I wanted, I then chosen a color using the gradient map, I was going to go with yellow and orange but it looked a little weird after putting the piece of paper behind it so I decided to change it to green, I also changed the colour of the halo to pink as you can see in the above image.

A2 Painted Logo

Ok Computer front cover designed Stanley Donwood

Ok Computer was published on the 21st May 1997

When I look at this image I see that a lot of blue has been used to colour the motorway, I have also noticed there is purple in the mix of the blue.